Complete Guide on How to Start a Successful Book Publishing Business -


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Tried and Tested Method on How to Start a Successful Book Publishing Business

Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome to the world of book publishing
Overview of the book publishing industry
Why starting a book publishing business is a great opportunity
Chapter 2: Market Research

Understanding the target audience and their reading preferences
Analyzing market trends and demands
Identifying potential gaps in the market
Chapter 3: Defining Your Niche

Choosing a specific genre or area of focus
Understanding the benefits of niche publishing
Evaluating the competition within your chosen niche
Chapter 4: Creating a Business Plan

Importance of a well-crafted business plan
Key components of a book publishing business plan
Setting realistic goals and objectives
Chapter 5: Legal and Financial Considerations

Choosing the legal structure for your business
Understanding copyright and intellectual property laws
Budgeting and financial planning for a publishing venture
Chapter 6: Acquiring Content

Approaching authors and acquiring manuscripts
Building relationships with literary agents
Reviewing submissions and making publishing decisions
Chapter 7: Editing and Proofreading

The importance of professional editing
Hiring freelance editors or building an in-house team
Implementing a rigorous proofreading process
Chapter 8: Design and Layout

Creating visually appealing book covers and interiors
Working with graphic designers and illustrators
Ensuring the final product meets industry standards
Chapter 9: Printing and Production

Understanding the different printing options
Choosing between traditional offset printing and print-on-demand
Managing the printing and production process efficiently
Chapter 10: Distribution Channels

Exploring various distribution options
Working with wholesalers, distributors, and retailers
Embracing online platforms and e-commerce for wider reach
Chapter 11: Marketing and Promotion

Crafting a marketing strategy for book launches
Utilizing social media and digital marketing tools
Building an author platform and engaging with readers
Chapter 12: Publicity and Public Relations

Working with publicists and media outlets
Organizing book signings, readings, and author events
Maximizing exposure through interviews and reviews
Chapter 13: eBook Publishing

Understanding the rise of digital publishing
Converting books into various eBook formats
Leveraging online platforms for eBook distribution
Chapter 14: Audiobook Production

The growing popularity of audiobooks
Partnering with narrators and audio production studios
Distributing audiobooks through different platforms
Chapter 15: Foreign Rights and Translation

Exploring international publishing opportunities
Selling foreign rights and licensing translations
Navigating the complexities of global book markets
Chapter 16: Building Relationships with Authors

Establishing strong author-publisher relationships
Negotiating contracts and royalty agreements
Providing ongoing support and guidance to authors
Chapter 17: Building a Team

Identifying key roles and positions in your publishing business
Hiring and managing employees or freelancers
Fostering a collaborative and creative work environment
Chapter 18: Financial Management

Implementing effective bookkeeping and accounting practices
Tracking royalties, sales, and expenses
Forecasting and managing cash flow
Chapter 19: Adapting to Industry Changes

Staying updated with technological advancements
Embracing new publishing models and formats
Pivoting strategies to respond to market shifts
Chapter 20: Author Services

Expanding revenue streams by offering author services
Editing, cover design, and marketing assistance for self-published authors
Building a reputation as a trusted resource in the industry
Chapter 21: Continuous Learning and Professional Development

The importance of staying informed and educated
Attending publishing conferences and industry events
Networking with fellow publishers and industry professionals
Chapter 22: Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Incorporating sustainable practices in your publishing business
Promoting diversity, inclusion, and ethical publishing standards
Engaging in social initiatives that align with your values
Chapter 23: Managing Challenges and Risks

Identifying common challenges in the publishing industry
Developing strategies to overcome setbacks and obstacles
Mitigating risks and safeguarding your business
Chapter 24: Scaling and Expansion

Evaluating opportunities for growth and expansion
Diversifying your publishing portfolio
Assessing the feasibility of opening new markets
Chapter 25: Looking to the Future

Embracing innovation and technology in publishing
Predicting and adapting to future industry trends
Celebrating your accomplishments and setting new goals
Remember, starting a book publishing business requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep love for books. Use this guide as a starting point and continuously learn and adapt as you embark on this exciting journey. Good luck!




Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome to the world of book publishing! This chapter provides an introduction to the book publishing industry and highlights the reasons why starting a book publishing business can be a great opportunity.

The book publishing industry plays a crucial role in shaping our cultural landscape and providing a platform for authors to share their ideas and stories with the world. As a book publisher, you have the unique opportunity to contribute to this creative ecosystem and make a lasting impact on readers.

In recent years, despite the rise of digital media, the demand for printed books remains strong. People still value the tangible experience of holding a physical book and flipping through its pages. Furthermore, the growth of e-books and audiobooks has opened up new avenues for publishing and expanded the reach of literary works.

Starting a book publishing business allows you to be part of this dynamic industry and bring compelling stories to readers. It offers the chance to work closely with talented authors, curate captivating content, and connect with a wide audience.

Chapter 2: Market Research

Before diving into the book publishing business, it's crucial to conduct comprehensive market research. This chapter explores the process of understanding the target audience and their reading preferences. It also delves into analyzing market trends and demands to identify potential gaps that your publishing business can fill.

To conduct effective market research, consider the demographics and psychographics of your target readers. Determine the genres and types of books that resonate with them. Look for emerging trends and popular themes in the market to gain insights into what readers are currently seeking.

Additionally, it's essential to analyze the competition within the market. Identify successful publishers in your chosen genre and understand their strategies and offerings. This analysis will help you differentiate your publishing business and carve out a unique space in the market.

Chapter 3: Defining Your Niche

In this chapter, you'll explore the concept of defining your niche within the book publishing industry. Instead of trying to cater to a broad range of genres, it's often beneficial to specialize and focus on a specific niche.

Choosing a niche allows you to become an expert in a particular genre or area of focus. It helps you understand the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, enabling you to curate and promote books that align with their interests.

To define your niche, consider your own passions and interests. Identify genres or themes that you have a genuine passion for and can devote your time and resources to. Additionally, evaluate the market potential and demand for your chosen niche to ensure its viability.

By focusing on a niche, you can establish a strong brand identity and attract a loyal readership who values your expertise and curation.

Chapter 4: Creating a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is a crucial tool for starting a book publishing business. In this chapter, you'll learn about the key components of a business plan and how to set realistic goals and objectives.

Your business plan should outline your mission and vision for the publishing venture. It should include a detailed analysis of the market, competition, and target audience. Additionally, it should define your publishing strategies, marketing plans, and financial projections.

Setting realistic goals and objectives is essential for measuring your progress and ensuring that your business remains on track. These goals can include specific sales targets, the number of books to be published per year, or the expansion into new markets. Break down these goals into actionable steps and create a timeline to guide your progress.

A business plan not only helps you stay focused but also serves as a valuable tool when seeking funding or approaching potential business partners.

Chapter 5: Legal and Financial Considerations

In this chapter, we explore the legal and financial considerations when starting a book publishing business.

Choosing the legal structure for your business is an important decision that affects liability, taxes, and operational flexibility. Common options include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Consult with a legal professional to determine the most suitable structure for your specific circumstances.

Understanding copyright and intellectual property laws is crucial in the publishing industry. Educate yourself about the legal rights and responsibilities related to publishing books, including obtaining proper permissions for copyrighted material and protecting your own intellectual property.

Financial planning and budgeting are integral to the success of your publishing business. Determine your startup costs, including expenses related to acquiring content, editing, design, printing, marketing, and distribution. Create a comprehensive financial plan that outlines your revenue streams, projected sales, and cash flow management. Consider seeking advice from a financial advisor or accountant to ensure the financial stability of your venture.

Chapter 6: Acquiring Content

Acquiring compelling content is at the heart of a successful book publishing business. This chapter delves into the process of approaching authors and acquiring manuscripts.

Develop a strategy for finding and attracting talented authors. Network with authors, attend writing conferences, and establish relationships with literary agents who can connect you with potential authors. Create submission guidelines that clearly outline your publishing criteria, submission process, and contact information.

When reviewing submissions, consider factors such as the quality of writing, market potential, alignment with your niche, and the author's ability to engage with readers. Develop an efficient workflow for evaluating manuscripts and making publishing decisions. Communicate with authors promptly and professionally, providing feedback and guidance when necessary.

Building strong relationships with authors is vital. Demonstrate your commitment to their success, maintain transparent communication, and negotiate fair and mutually beneficial contracts.

Chapter 7: Editing and Proofreading

Professional editing is crucial to ensure the quality and polish of the books you publish. This chapter explores the importance of editing and proofreading in the publishing process.

Consider hiring freelance editors or building an in-house editing team with expertise in your chosen genre. Good editors possess a keen eye for grammar, syntax, and storytelling elements. They help authors refine their manuscripts, improve narrative structure, enhance character development, and ensure consistency and coherence throughout the book.

Proofreading is the final step before publication, focusing on catching any remaining errors in grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Implement a rigorous proofreading process to ensure the accuracy and professionalism of the final product.

Investing in quality editing and proofreading not only enhances the reader's experience but also strengthens your publishing brand and reputation.

Chapter 8: Design and Layout

The design and layout of a book play a significant role in attracting readers and conveying the essence of its content. In this chapter, we explore the importance of creating visually appealing book covers and interiors.

Book covers are the first point of contact for potential readers. Collaborate with talented graphic designers who can create captivating and genre-appropriate covers that catch the eye and communicate the essence of the book. A well-designed cover should reflect the tone, genre, and target audience of the book.

Interior layout design ensures readability and enhances the overall reading experience. Pay attention to typography, font selection, margins, and formatting. A well-designed layout makes the book visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Work closely with designers and authors to strike the right balance between artistic vision and market appeal. Keep up with current design trends and industry standards to create books that stand out on bookstore shelves or in online marketplaces.

Chapter 9: Printing and Production

Printing and production are pivotal aspects of book publishing. This chapter explores the different printing options and helps you make informed decisions about the printing and production process.

Traditional offset printing involves large print runs, typically more cost-effective for higher quantities. It provides flexibility in paper selection, finishes, and customization options. However, offset printing requires careful planning and longer lead times.

Print-on-demand (POD) technology has revolutionized the publishing industry by enabling efficient printing of books in small quantities or even on a per-order basis. POD eliminates the need for large upfront printing costs and excess inventory, making it a viable option for independent publishers and niche markets.

Consider factors such as cost, production time, print quality, and order fulfillment when choosing between offset printing and POD. Evaluate multiple printing vendors to ensure you receive competitive pricing and high-quality printing services.

Chapter 10: Distribution Channels

In this chapter, we explore the various distribution channels available to book publishers. Distribution is the process of getting your books into the hands of readers, and selecting the right channels is crucial for reaching your target audience effectively.

Traditional distribution channels include working with wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. Wholesalers purchase books in bulk from publishers and distribute them to retailers. Distributors act as intermediaries, connecting publishers with retailers and handling logistics. Retailers, such as bookstores and online marketplaces, sell books directly to readers.

Consider partnering with reputable distributors and wholesalers who have established relationships with retailers. Research and negotiate favorable terms and conditions, including pricing, return policies, and marketing support.

In addition to traditional channels, embrace online platforms and e-commerce for wider reach. Establish your own e-commerce website or utilize online marketplaces to directly sell books to readers. Leverage digital distribution options, such as e-books and audiobooks, to tap into the growing digital reading market.

Chapter 11: Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for generating awareness and driving book sales. This chapter explores the process of crafting a marketing strategy for book launches and beyond.

Start by identifying your target audience and understanding their reading habits and preferences. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes both online and offline strategies.

Online marketing tools, such as social media platforms, websites, blogs, and email newsletters, offer cost-effective ways to reach and engage with readers. Create an author platform that highlights your published works, author profiles, and updates about upcoming releases. Build an online community by actively interacting with readers and participating in relevant discussions.

Offline marketing strategies include traditional media outlets, such as print publications, radio, and television. Collaborate with local bookstores, libraries, and literary organizations to organize book signings, readings, and author events. Participate in book fairs, festivals, and industry conferences to connect with readers and industry professionals.

Craft compelling book descriptions, author bios, and press releases that effectively communicate the value and uniqueness of your books. Leverage reviews, testimonials, and endorsements to build credibility and increase visibility.

Chapter 12: Publicity and Public Relations

Publicity and public relations play a crucial role in gaining exposure and building your publishing brand. This chapter explores the importance of working with publicists and media outlets to generate buzz and create a positive image for your books.

Consider hiring a publicist or working with a PR agency specializing in the publishing industry. Publicists have established relationships with media outlets and can help secure book reviews, interviews, and features in newspapers, magazines, and online publications. They can also facilitate author appearances on radio and television programs.

Develop a compelling press kit that includes key information about your publishing business, author bios, book summaries, sample chapters, and high-resolution book cover images. Distribute press releases to media outlets to announce new book releases, author events, or significant achievements.

Engage in proactive media outreach by pitching story ideas, interview opportunities, or guest blog posts to relevant publications. Participate in industry awards and nominate your books for recognition. Building relationships with book reviewers, bloggers, and influencers can also contribute to generating publicity.

Chapter 13: eBook Publishing

The rise of digital publishing has opened up new possibilities for book publishers. This chapter explores the world of eBook publishing and provides insights into converting books into various eBook formats.

E-books offer convenience, accessibility, and the ability to reach a global audience. To publish eBooks, convert your book files into popular formats such as ePub, MOBI, or PDF. Ensure that the formatting, layout, and typography are optimized for digital reading devices and platforms.

Consider using eBook distribution platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook Press, and Kobo Writing Life. These platforms allow you to self-publish eBooks and reach a wide readership.

Promote your eBooks through online marketing channels, including social media, email newsletters, and book promotion websites. Participate in eBook price promotions, utilize reader reviews and ratings, and leverage keywords and categories to enhance discoverability.

Chapter 14: Audiobook Production

The audiobook market has experienced significant growth in recent years. This chapter explores the process of producing audiobooks and leveraging this popular format to expand your reach.

Audiobooks provide a unique and immersive reading experience for listeners. Partner with experienced narrators and audio production studios to produce high-quality audiobooks. Ensure that the narrator's voice and style align with the tone and genre of the book.

Consider distribution platforms such as Audible, ACX, and Findaway Voices for audiobook distribution. These platforms offer global reach and provide a seamless listening experience for users.

Promote your audiobooks through marketing channels similar to those used for printed books and eBooks. Leverage the growing popularity of podcasts and audio content by participating in relevant podcasts or creating your own.

Chapter 15: Foreign Rights and Translation

Expanding your publishing business internationally can open up new opportunities for growth. This chapter explores the world of foreign rights and translation, helping you navigate the complexities of global book markets.

Foreign rights involve selling the rights to publish and distribute your books in foreign markets. Research and understand the specific requirements and preferences of different countries and cultures. Attend international book fairs and connect with foreign publishers and agents to explore potential partnerships.

Translation allows you to reach readers who prefer to read in their native language. Identify books with market potential for translation and work with skilled translators to ensure the integrity and quality of the translated work. Collaborate with translation agencies or build relationships with translators specializing in your chosen genres.

Licensing translations to foreign publishers or self-publishing translated editions are viable options for entering foreign markets. Understand the legal and financial aspects of foreign rights and translation agreements to protect your interests.

Chapter 16: Building Relationships with Authors

Establishing strong relationships with authors is key to the success of your publishing business. This chapter delves into the importance of author-publisher relationships and provides insights into negotiating contracts and providing ongoing support.

Building trust and rapport with authors is essential. Communicate openly and transparently, addressing their concerns and goals. Offer guidance and support throughout the publishing process, from editing to marketing. Foster a collaborative environment where authors feel valued and involved in decision-making.

Negotiating contracts and royalty agreements requires careful consideration. Understand industry standards and consult with legal professionals to ensure fair and mutually beneficial terms. Clearly define the rights, responsibilities, and payment structure in the contract to avoid misunderstandings.

Provide ongoing support to authors even after the book is published. Assist with marketing and promotion efforts, explore additional publishing opportunities, and help authors build their author platforms. Building long-term relationships with authors can lead to continued success for both parties.

Chapter 17: Building a Team

As your publishing business grows, building a capable and dedicated team becomes crucial. This chapter explores identifying key roles and positions in your publishing business, hiring and managing employees or freelancers, and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Identify the specific roles needed in your publishing business, such as editors, designers, marketing professionals, and administrative staff. Determine whether to hire employees or work with freelancers depending on your budget and workload.

When hiring, seek individuals who are passionate about books, possess relevant skills and experience, and align with your publishing vision. Conduct thorough interviews, review portfolios or writing samples, and check references.

Create a positive work environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and professional growth. Establish clear roles and responsibilities, provide necessary resources and training, and implement effective communication channels. Foster a supportive culture where team members feel valued and motivated.

Chapter 18: Financial Management

Effective financial management is crucial for the sustainability and growth of your publishing business. This chapter explores implementing sound bookkeeping and accounting practices, tracking royalties, sales, and expenses, and managing cash flow.

Maintain accurate and detailed financial records from the start. Utilize accounting software or engage with an accountant to ensure proper bookkeeping, timely invoicing, and accurate financial reporting.

Track royalties and sales revenue diligently. Implement a robust royalty tracking system to ensure accurate calculations and timely payments to authors. Regularly analyze sales data to identify trends, assess the performance of different titles, and make informed decisions.

Develop a cash flow management plan to ensure that your business has enough liquidity to cover expenses, such as printing costs, marketing expenses, and author advances. Prepare financial forecasts, including profit and loss statements and cash flow projections, to guide your decision-making and identify potential financial risks.

Consider consulting with financial advisors or joining industry associations to stay informed about financial best practices and industry benchmarks.

Chapter 19: Adapting to Industry Changes

The publishing industry is continuously evolving, driven by technological advancements and shifting reader preferences. This chapter explores the importance of staying updated with industry changes, embracing new publishing models and formats, and pivoting strategies to respond to market shifts.

Keep a pulse on industry trends by actively participating in industry conferences, following publishing news and blogs, and networking with fellow publishers and professionals. Stay informed about technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality, and explore how these can be integrated into your publishing business.

Embrace new publishing models and formats that align with reader preferences. Consider hybrid publishing, which combines aspects of traditional publishing and self-publishing, to offer more options to authors and readers. Stay attuned to emerging formats like interactive books, serialized storytelling, or subscription-based services.

Continuously evaluate and adapt your strategies based on market feedback and data analysis. Monitor sales trends, reader reviews, and market demands to identify areas for improvement and innovation. Be willing to experiment, take calculated risks, and pivot your strategies to meet the changing needs of readers.

Chapter 20: Author Services

Expanding your revenue streams by offering author services can provide additional income and establish your publishing business as a trusted resource in the industry. This chapter explores various author services you can provide, including editing, cover design, and marketing assistance for self-published authors.

Many authors choose self-publishing to maintain creative control over their works. By offering professional author services, you can support self-published authors and enhance the quality and marketability of their books.

Consider providing editing and proofreading services to self-published authors who may not have access to professional editors. Offer cover design and layout services to ensure visually appealing and market-appropriate book covers. Develop marketing and promotional packages that assist authors in navigating the complex world of book marketing.

These author services can be offered as standalone packages or as part of a comprehensive publishing package for self-published authors. Develop transparent pricing structures and clearly communicate the scope of services provided.

Chapter 21: Continuous Learning and Professional Development

The publishing industry is dynamic and constantly evolving. This chapter emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and professional development for publishers.

Stay informed about industry trends, new technologies, and best practices by attending publishing conferences, seminars, and workshops. Engage in online courses, webinars, and industry-specific training programs to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Networking with fellow publishers, authors, and industry professionals is invaluable. Join industry associations, participate in online forums, and attend networking events to build connections and learn from others in the field.

Invest in your own personal and professional growth by reading widely, staying abreast of industry news, and exploring diverse genres and publishing markets. Be open to feedback and constructive criticism, seeking opportunities to learn and improve.

Continuous learning and professional development not only enhance your publishing expertise but also enable you to adapt to industry changes and stay ahead of the curve.

Chapter 22: Sustainability and Social Responsibility

In an era of increasing environmental awareness and social consciousness, incorporating sustainability and social responsibility into your publishing business is crucial. This chapter explores the importance of adopting sustainable practices and promoting diversity, inclusion, and ethical publishing standards.

Implement sustainable practices throughout the publishing process, from sourcing environmentally friendly paper and using eco-friendly printing methods to reducing waste and promoting recycling. Consider digital alternatives, such as e-books and audiobooks, to minimize the environmental impact of physical book production.

Promote diversity and inclusion in your publishing endeavors. Seek out authors from diverse backgrounds and amplify marginalized voices. Embrace inclusive hiring practices and cultivate a work environment that celebrates diversity and respects all individuals.

Adhere to ethical publishing standards, such as paying fair royalties and ensuring transparency in contracts. Support social initiatives and charitable causes aligned with your publishing values. Engage in community outreach programs, such as literacy initiatives and partnerships with local schools and libraries.

By embracing sustainability and social responsibility, your publishing business can make a positive impact on the environment and society while also fostering goodwill and loyalty among readers and authors.

Chapter 23: Managing Challenges and Risks

The publishing industry is not without its challenges and risks. This chapter explores common challenges and provides strategies for overcoming setbacks and mitigating risks in your publishing business.

Some common challenges include declining print book sales, market saturation in popular genres, and increasing competition. To overcome these challenges, focus on differentiating your publishing business through niche specialization, unique branding, and innovative marketing strategies. Continuously assess market trends and reader preferences to stay ahead of the curve.

Financial risks, such as cash flow fluctuations and unsold inventory, can impact the stability of your business. Implement sound financial management practices, including budgeting, forecasting, and cost control measures. Diversify revenue streams and explore new markets to reduce dependence on any single source of income.

Technological advancements and digital disruption pose both challenges and opportunities. Embrace technology and digital publishing formats to stay relevant and expand your reach. Invest in digital marketing strategies and online platforms to connect with readers in the digital age.

Develop contingency plans and risk management strategies to mitigate unforeseen challenges, such as natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, or legal disputes. Maintain open lines of communication with authors, distributors, and stakeholders to address issues promptly and effectively.

Chapter 24: Scaling and Expansion

Once your publishing business has established a solid foundation, you may consider scaling and expanding your operations. This chapter explores opportunities for growth, diversifying your publishing portfolio, and assessing the feasibility of opening new markets.

Evaluate your current business model and identify areas where growth and expansion are feasible. Consider expanding into related genres or complementary markets to reach a broader readership. Explore publishing books in different formats, such as graphic novels, illustrated children's books, or non-fiction series.

Assess the viability of opening new markets, both domestic and international. Conduct thorough market research to understand reader preferences, cultural differences, and regulatory requirements. Adapt your marketing and distribution strategies to cater to the specific needs of each market.

Expanding your publishing business may require additional resources, such as increased staff, infrastructure, or capital. Secure necessary funding through loans, investments, or strategic partnerships. Develop a detailed expansion plan that includes timelines, budgets, and performance metrics.

Ensure that your expansion efforts align with your core values and long-term business objectives. Continuously monitor and assess the performance of new ventures and make adjustments as needed to ensure sustainable growth.

Chapter 25: Looking to the Future

In this final chapter, we explore the future of the publishing industry and provide insights into embracing innovation and technology, predicting and adapting to future industry trends, and celebrating your accomplishments while setting new goals.

The publishing industry will continue to evolve, driven by advancements in technology, changing reader preferences, and emerging formats. Embrace innovation and adopt new technologies that enhance the reading experience, such as virtual reality, interactive storytelling, or artificial intelligence-powered content recommendation systems.

Stay attuned to emerging industry trends and adapt your strategies accordingly. Monitor reader behavior, industry reports, and technological advancements to anticipate and capitalize on future opportunities. Stay nimble and open to new ideas and business models that may arise.

Take time to celebrate your accomplishments and milestones along the way. Reflect on your successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Set new goals and aspirations for your publishing business, ensuring they align with your mission and values.

Continue to foster relationships with authors, readers, and industry professionals. Seek feedback, stay connected, and actively contribute to the vibrant publishing community.

Remember, starting a book publishing business requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep love for books. Use this comprehensive guide as a starting point and continuously learn, adapt, and innovate as you embark on this exciting journey. Good luck!

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